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I wonder if a culturally relevant, edgy Christian feminist magazine (suitable for men and women) is what our previous complementarian conservative evangelical pastor had in mind when he gave David a “word” that he’d be in publishing someday. ;)
Cuz it just occurred to me how FANTASTIC such a ‘zine could be.


  1. Atalia — June 25, 2007 #

    That would be fantastic

  2. myste — June 25, 2007 #

    brilliant! i would read it. hell, i would write for it!

  3. Mak — June 25, 2007 #

    oh I would insist on it myste.

    taking everything we ever heard in complimentarianism and addressing it from an egalitarian/feminist perspective would give us enough fodder for a couple years at least. hehe

  4. Cynthia — June 25, 2007 #

    Oh, would it be so!!!

  5. dave — June 26, 2007 #

    This would be awesome… can I write for it too?

    And Mak… I am sure that we would hear new things in the next few year from the complimentarianism/fundamentalism camp that will us new fodder after the first couple of years!

  6. Mak — June 26, 2007 #

    aint that the truth Dave.

    of course you can write for it - - anyone can, since it’s in my imagination I can edit it however I want and no one would know…oooo…. ;)

    you guys are tempting me. I really don’t need a ‘zine on my to do list now hehe

  7. Erin — June 26, 2007 #

    Shhh…Don’t tell anyone, but there is some talk I have overheard about such a thing….

  8. Tam — June 26, 2007 #

    I just found your blog and I LOVE it!

    A Christian feminist zine sounds PERFECT! I would totally buy it - and display it prominently at my house for friends who think that they two are mutally exclusive to see!

  9. Mak — June 26, 2007 #

    shhh…you just told about 100 some people who visit this blog ;) hehe.. well you better keep me in the loop.

  10. Mak — June 26, 2007 #

    Tam - welcome! :) exactly, and I’d have really provocative covers for that very reason … hehe

  11. Erin — June 26, 2007 #

    Oh, and TAG!

  12. Joi — June 26, 2007 #

    That would be great!! Don’t tell my dad though a man who believes the feminist movement is responsible for all the ills of our society…blah, blah. I usually tune him out at this point:)

  13. Mak — June 26, 2007 #

    hehe…my parents are a bit more on the “conservative” end WRT feminism as well

  14. Paul — June 26, 2007 #

    does that mean you can’t be a feminist and complimentarian? ;)

  15. Mak — June 26, 2007 #

    hmmmm…good question. I don’t know any but I suppose, in theory, it would be possible.

  16. Erin — June 26, 2007 #

    Paul - when you figure that out will you write about it? ;-)

  17. Paul — June 27, 2007 #

    you know Erin, when i do figure it out I will :)

  18. Julie Clawson — July 1, 2007 #

    oh we can only dream…

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