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a prayer

Depiction of the Trinity on the portal of the ...Image via Wikipedia A Prayer for Today | Everyday Liturgy

O God, as rain melts back into the earth and sky,
leaving not a trace on a hot summer day,
so let my cares and worries be.

O God, as the bear who does not want or consume all winter,
but sits content, dreaming, waiting
for the first hints of Resurrection,
so I plead you calm my soul in contentment.

For I have life abundantly, through Father, Son and Spirit.



  1. Mark R — August 28, 2008 #


  2. Thom — August 28, 2008 #

    Mak, thanks so much for posting my prayer. It seems this time of year, as summer is waning and I am preparing to enter back into work + church + grad school + life in general that my outlook on life can grow quickly dim. Contentment is a Godsend in times such as this.

  3. Paul — August 31, 2008 #

    a good prayer for our weather this weekend, blazing sun yesterday and now thunderstorms today…

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