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yes we can

Consider this my official statement for who I’m voting for tomorrow as Colorado participates in Super Tuesday. Right now, I believe we need a president who can address those issues we are facing domestically and also have a positive affect globally. Now is not the time to have a president with a defensive posture and imperialistic tendencies. Like every one else when it comes to politics, there are things about Obama that I’m not 100% excited about, his death penalty stance for one, but all in all, I think he’s the person we need right now.

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  1. dave — February 4, 2008 #


  2. Tia Lynn — February 4, 2008 #

    I really hope he gets the democratic ticket.

  3. Bec — February 4, 2008 #

    Oh my goodness. That video is amazing.

  4. Michelle — February 4, 2008 #

    As a Ron Paul supporter, I’m REALLY hoping Obama wins the Democratic nomination… if so (unless the tide changes dramatically for Paul) this Republican will be “crossing over”.

  5. Pingback - all said and done » Blog Archive » Starred Posts: late Jan- early Feb — February 4, 2008 #

    [...] Yes we can - Makeesha Fisher, Swinging From the Vine [...]

  6. Tia Lynn — February 4, 2008 #

    I’m from New Jersey and now live in Georgia which is overwelmingly republican…(egads), but I have always found that most evangelicals are avid republicans, and while most of them wouldn’t go so far to say you have to vote republican to be a christian, if you even consider a democrat your moral standing disappears….do you find this over in your neck of the woods too?

  7. christy fritz — February 5, 2008 #

    go obama!!! i too support ron paul, but given it is unlikely he will get the rep ticket, i too will be voting for barak.

  8. Mak — February 5, 2008 #

    I’ve heard that from quite a few Ron Paul supporters which is fascinating to me because Ron Paul is practically a libertarian and Obama is far from it. Is is the stance on Iraq that is the tipping point?

    Tia - oh yes, evangelical = republican, it’s the default expectation. If you’re a dem or even an independant in an evangelical church you really have to stay quiet or be prepared to explain yourself

  9. kathyescobar — February 5, 2008 #

    yes we can. great video. it has been so fun, talking about this whole election thing with our kids. jose had them do some good research on what the different candidates believe in on certain issues, they read the audacity of hope together, and the conclusion everyone has come to…obama. my daughter still attends a christian school for her 8th grade year and she’s the only obama supporter there! hahhaa.

  10. Michelle — February 5, 2008 #

    Mak, it’s not so much that Paul and Obama are similar (though yeah, Iraq is a big part). It’s that if Paul isn’t running, then I personally couldn’t live with myself if I voted for one of the other guys. And I can’t cast a vote for Hillary - sorry, but the Clintons just ooze “crooked-ness”, to me. Obama seems to be of principal - maybe not every principal I share, but a man of principal and enough I can agree with to say yes, let’s try change (for a change).

  11. christy fritz — February 5, 2008 #

    for me it’s iraq for sure… couldn’t vote for someone one who supports it still. neither paul or obama ever wanted to go in. wise men. hilary doesn’t seem genuine to me, more of the same. obama, although for bigger govt. than paul, does seem to provide the same “it’s not about me, but about you, making the change” message. empowering the people.

  12. Carlos — February 5, 2008 #

    What’s a resident alien (legal, may I add) to do? I can’t vote…

    And don’t anyone go and ask me how I can be a christian and not be an american hehehe…

  13. Lori — February 5, 2008 #

    Oh, I really want to like Obama, but frankley I think that he is just like every other politician, he will say anything to get elected. I don’t see anyone in this race that I feel i can give my vote to ;-(

  14. Ariah Fine — February 11, 2008 #

    A friend pointed out that this had sort of a propagandaish feel to it, very inspirational, emotional, and spreading like crazy amongst young people.
    What are your thoughts?

  15. Mak — February 11, 2008 #

    I don’t think it would be classified as propaganda in a technical dictionary definition sense as it’s not derogotory and intended to mislead. But sure, I think it’s “propagandaish” but isn’t almost all things political? It’s intended to stir the senses, incite people to action, move groups of (especially young) people forward in a specific direction.

    I’m not an anarchist so I don’t have a problem with that. I can see how some might but I think what Obama said in that speech was beautiful and inspiring….only history will tell how meaningful it was I suppose.

    how do you feel about it Ariah?

  16. michael — March 1, 2008 #

    To Tia’s point: I guess it depends on where you live! If in the South, an evnagelical is, yes, very likely to be a social conservative but also a registered Democrat! I suspect the reason so many evangelicals are Republican is not so much the GOP itself as much as a branch of it embraces social conservativism and there simply isn’t a conservative party. In the Republican party there is room for debate on, say, the abortion issue–one can be like Swarzneggar, A “pro-choice” republican and still become Governor, whereas in the Dem party there is absolutely no platform for pro-life and thus many of us former Democrats have left on these grounds, among others. But i think most are wise enough to know that no party has all the answers. Rather, we tend to look to individuals. Obama is one such rising person.

    I love what my wife said the other day: that although Obama may be quite liberal politically, far more so than the Clintons, for e.g., he is, however, morally centrist–commited to one wife, unapologetically Christian, and so on. He’s earned the respect of many outspoken conservatives adn coservative wonks. Just the other day I heard Pat Buchanan even, a very isolationsistic Catholic, praise him as a “good man.” Hisprasie continued unfettered. And so, among many conservative friends we see a willingness, if not embrace to Barack and (importantly) Michelle too. They simply come across as a genuinely good couple. I’ve heard Michelle speak many times on C-SPAN in her more down home manner and I could listen to her all day! I totally connect with her and the fact she is sensitive to people’s plights, particualrly those who have been born into harder circumstance.

    As political videos goes, I love this one. Differnt. Clever. Yes, it moves! OK, so maybe it’s far too much ‘feel good’ sentiment but after the cynicism of the recent decade of polarization (something the Clintons excelled at), the Obamas’ voice is a welcome, needed relief.

  17. Ndidi — April 29, 2008 #

    Hey there! I am an Obama supporter, and I think that’s a great way (the link) to show who you’re voting for. I haven’t announced on my blog who I’m voting for (though I’ve hinted by my only politics post there so far).
    I hope he gets the ticket. Feminist or not, Clinton acts rather catty at times.

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