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stuff, things and other vague references

I’ve been busy with stuff
taking care of things
thinking about things
overwhelmed by stuff
living out the stuff we talk about

…so yeah, that’s about it

Seriously though, I’m neck deep in yarn - knitting up Christmas gifts (that’s right family, you all get hand knitting gifts this year - get ready to LOVE ME! hehe), I took on some volunteer work for Shayel’s school, I’m getting ready for our first Emergent Cohort gathering since taking it over, I’m thinking about how I need to think about the magazine project that’s sitting on my plate, I’m working on ideas for Revolution and the Undercroft, I’ve been having wonderful nights of libation and knitting (sometimes together) connecting with friends, and best of all, we’ve been getting to know our neighbors (literally, they live in the apartment below us), spending time with them, blessing them…living the mission.

That’s why I’ve had lots of quotes and fluff here :) There are some things I’ve been wanting to blog but have thought better of it. Then there some things I’ve been wanting to blog about that are just too deep to dig out right now. But if you want to hear what’s going on in the collective Fisher brain, jog over to David’s blog, he has a really good post up now.

It’s been really cool lately though with everything David and I are doing. Neighbors, friends, the Undercroft, Revolution, the Emergent Cohort, conferences, leadership training, CRM/Missio, jobs, school, networking….I mentioned to David yesterday that we’re “doing it”. We’re living the mission, connecting with the Body, serving, growing…it’s raw and organic and difficult to quantify but it’s happening sometimes without us even realizing it. I love it.

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