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Collective understanding/knowledge is one of the most wonderful things about blogging in my opinion.

Here is a good example. Thanks FutureChurch :) Those of you from our previous church who think we’re heretics (I know you read here, remember that analytics thing I warned you about while back? *evil laugh*), I hope this sheds some light on some things I know you’re afraid of. And for those who are just getting your feet wet with all this “emergent stuff”, enjoy :) It’s not perfect (and I only say that because what is?), and it’s just a primer but I think it’s a good start.

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  1. Erin — August 19, 2007 #

    Thanks Makeesha. That’s a great compilation.

  2. Roger Saner — August 20, 2007 #

    Thanks for the link, Makeesha - it’s in a series of posts trying to help some critics in South Africa understand more about the wider emerging church conversation. Reducing it to Brian McLaren and postmodern epistemology - and then writing off the whole movement - is not a good way of assimilating it at all.

    Dunno how you found it, but glad you stopped by :) I’ve enjoyed some of your posts here - open set and bounded set for instance, and also see your husband is involved with CRM. Nice :)

  3. Mak — August 20, 2007 #

    Roger - thanks for the kudos :) I’m not sure how I found you, I was trying to find some “non American/European” emerging church stuff. I agree with your comment.

    Yeah, we both will but David will be the only one “on the books”.

  4. Roger Saner — August 27, 2007 #

    Also check at http://www.emergentafrica.com/amahoro
    The emerging church stuff of the 2/3rds world will be mostly in the “post-colonial” realm - where the conclusions will be quite similar to the ones reached by postmodernism, but coming at it from a different perspective. Our challenge in South Africa is interesting, because we live in a both/and world - postmodern and postcolonial. Check out http://podcast.futurechurch.co.za/ for some good thoughts by the Big Mac on these things…

  5. Mak — August 27, 2007 #

    thanks so much Roger :)

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