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Thinking blogger awards

I traced this (as brother maynard said) up down and sideways…going waaayyyy back…it was a fascinating and diverse journey. It really boggles the mind how interconnected the blog ‘verse is. It would be an interesting sociological web to map some time. The most interesting thing was that somewhere between there and here I landed in a bunch of mom blogs that are definitely in another world from me…which is really cool if you think about it, conservative stay at home moms writing about recipes and sewing and kid shenanigans at some point connect to a liberal subversionary like myself who hates the very thought of cooking and sewing and even though I love my kids, I rarely write about them.
Anyway…I’ve been tagged 3 times but I’m only listing 1 set - - not because I can’t think of 15 but because I need to stop somewhere or you’ll just get my whole blogroll and that would be obnoxious. hehe. So I’m going to deviate from the “missional/emerging/emergent” world and head out deeper into the ‘verse.

1. Matthias Inks - this artist is amazing and always thought provoking
2. Tree Hugger - a practical guide to environmental news and activism
3. Faith House Manhattan - a radical interfaith project. Samir Selmanovic has given two of my all time favorite “sermons”, find them at Emergent Village.
4. Forgotten Ways - Alan Hirsch (sorry if he’s been nominated already) David is reading his book right now and sharing it with me (I’ll read it when he’s done) and it’s thought provoking stuff to say the least. It’s also a lot of what we’re doing with Revolution so it’s very encouraging and also challenging us to move forward and go to the next level.
5. Ben Witherington is one of those people who challenges my brain in more ways than one. He’s not only thought provoking but also creative and extremely smart.

Thanks to John, Sonja and Webb for the nod. Three bloggers I admire so it’s an honor.

If you’re one of the five above, tag, you’re it!

If you’re not, you’re tagged to write five of your favorites in the comments. Come on, we want to know what you’re reading.

[tags]meme, treehugger, ben witherington, alan hirsch, mathias ink, faith house[/tags]

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  1. alan hirsch — April 16, 2007 #

    Mak, thanks for the compliments. I have loved your blog. Very fresh. And can I say perhaps the best looking around. :-) Keep in there girrll!

  2. Mak — April 16, 2007 #

    thanks Alan :) a benefit of being a graphic artist I suppose ;)

    one of these days my brother, Lord willing, we’re going to take you out for dinner and drinks and “talk shop”. I think my husband is practically swooning after every chapter he reads of your book hehe.

  3. Mattias Adolfsson — April 16, 2007 #

    thanks for the mentioning, much appreciated

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