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thoughts on being a Christ Follower

bringing some posts out of the closet…so to speak.

I’m going back through my old blog archive and thought I’d share this because I like it :)

From December:

Being a Christ follower:

Sometimes it’s awesome and fuzzy and all kinds of pink balls of loveliness.

Sometimes it’s barbed, angst ridden, doubt filled and all kinds of black balls of frustration.

You fear, you hope, you dream, you love and laugh and learn, you question, doubt, grapple and wrestle and postulate, theorize and hypothesize but at the end of the day you realize that this God you are trying to serve the best way your feeble humanity is able, THIS God IS…he simply IS. And He came to earth and he served and loved and healed and got angry and frustrated and doubted.and was tempted and when we add our story to his story we have a beautiful but very very human “thing” going.

And then we get to add our humanity to another’s humanity and do all those messy things together with them and we join together to connect with the work of Christ on the Earth - and in that, we continue the story. We become vessels of reconciliation and healing, peace and restoration. At our best, we are incarnations of Christ, and at our worst, we are at least trying.

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