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grumpy baby and other vents

I’m so sick of Aliyah being grumpy. At first, when my kids are like that, I feel sorry for them, knowing that something outside of their control is bothering them. But after awhile, I get really sick of it and annoyed and want them to just GET OVER IT ALREADY. Then I feel sorta bad (only sorta) for being irritated.

Aliyah is just generally unhappy and has been for about a week now. She has environmental allergies and has a constant runny nose, watery red eyes, etc. Then she got this stomach bug and still has symptoms from that. I’ve been giving her claratin but I think I need to talk to her pedi about other solutions. For one thing, over the counter claratin is actually for ages 2 and up and for another, the stuff we have is liquid and expensive and she doesn’t like it. I suspect that I can get chewables or dissolving tabs of something that is cheaper with our prescription coverage.

Ok, that’s my vent for the day.

Oh, and David applied for a different position at work that would have possibly been better but he found out today he didn’t get it. Poor guy. I’m fine with it, it wouldn’t have meant anything better for us financially, but he would have probably been happy with the new position. But who knows, maybe God protected him from a disaster.

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