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the pee story

Cuz you know you all want to know ;O

After 3 linen changes in a row at 1AM, Shayel is going back into pullups. Thank goodness for waterproof matress pads.

We had been putting her to bed totally naked and that seemed to be working but apparently not. I refuse to do more washes of linens so back to pullups it is. No biggie, 4 is still young for being dry at night anyway.

In other news: I think we have mold in this house. It seems like every time it rains, everyone gets sick…or at least manifests allergy symptoms. And it wouldn’t surprise me considering that this house was in the path of a huge flood not long ago and was built in the 50s. *sigh* I really don’t want to move again.

I’m almost free of my graphic design business. I’ve been weaning off clients, not taking any more long term ones and tying up loose ends. It feels weird but it’s a good thing. I’m thinking (I’m not sure where David stands…he’s just taking it as it comes) we’ll be adopting in the next year, we’re starting Revolution in the fall and I’m really enjoying using my time to study and read (theology and other spiritual stuff) as well as not feeling as stressed with deadlines. I have that weird pride thing now though. I can no longer say “I’m a graphic artist working from home”. Interesting the things that root out ugliness in my heart.

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