Swinging from the Vine / 791 posts / 2,699 comments / feed / comments feed
The re-imagining continues with the people formerly known as “The Pastor”.  Read the whole sequence in order…it’s worth it. The people formerly known as the congregation The underlying issue (AKA The penguins formerly known as the waddle) The community coming to be known as missional The people formerly known as “The Pastor”  Who’s next? I think I have a mind [...]
Thanks to Grace - - blog genius extraordinaire - - she follows up to the people formerly known as the congregation with her own thoughts. Pt. 1 here, Grace’s Pt. 2 here UPDATED: Jamie posted Pt. 3 here. Wow, keep in coming ya’all. Good stuff all around.
John Smulo to Rob Mac to Brother Maynard, back to “the Smu” (LOL John Smulo) to me. 1. What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why? (two sentences max) My first “real job” when I was in high school was as a waitress and I think I was probably working illegally. It was in [...]