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Pieter Bruegel the Elder ca. 1520 – 1569 The Tower of Babel oil on panel (114 × 155 cm) — 1563 Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
I issued a challenge to progressive men who say they want more women’s voices heard to listen to this woman on the radio show, Speaking of Faith, and these friends have taken the challenge - check out their comments and then (esp. if you’re a guy) accept the challenge yourself and encourage others to do [...]
I’m going to take my last post a step further and issue a challenge. I’ve been in conversations recently where the men in the emerging christian movement are saying “but we DO include the women, we DO want more female voices”… So men, here’s your chance. I want to encourage you … challenge you in [...]
Red Letters Living a faith that bleeds by Tom Davis There are lots of “call to action”/social justice books coming out lately - many of them from unlikely sources. I think this is a great thing…except that many of them sound a lot like the typical colonialist views of the “let’s save the barbarians because they need us [...]
The Divine Hours™, Pocket Edition Phyllis Tickle ISBN13: 9780195316933ISBN10: 0195316932 hardback, 144 pages Apr 2007 Price: $17.95 directly from Oxford University Press Order here I wrote a review last June about Scot McKnight’s book, Praying with the Church - my thoughts and experiences about fixed hour prayer in general can be found here. As for this little book, it has become, as [...]
I have 2 pairs of friends getting married in the next year and I need recommendations for good sex and marriage books (1 couple has been living together, the other couple has not) - you all know my feelings about traditionalist ideas of marriage and sexuality and my friends share my views so I don’t [...]
If you haven’t heard about this, it’s worth a watch. We caught the last half of the Christian warriors episode last night and we dvr’d the encore so we can watch the whole thing with Revolution. It was disturbing, insightful and had moments of hopefulness for Christianity. I’m very interested to see the other two.
I have recently “taken up” knitting. And what way to be even more of a geek than to listen to free public domain audio books while knitting? I know of none. http://librivox.org/