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sporks arise!

This is a crosspost from the Revolution blog

As a somewhat prolific blogger and the {un}official representative for Revolution as well as Emergent Village in N. Colorado I get a lot of emails from people all over the country - sometimes from people moving here to CO or who have recently moved, sometimes from people frustrated with their Christian journey, sometimes from people who don’t even call themselves Christians. Most of the time these encounters stay in the email realm, people are encouraged that they’re not alone and they find people to journey with…or not. Sometimes I get lucky and get to meet someone for coffee and hear their story, sometimes we all get really lucky and they join us for a gathering at Revolution…and occasionally, we get REALLY REALLY lucky and they hang around for awhile. Either way, I don’t really fret too much as I am always encouraged by these encounters because it assures me that people are still thinking and dreaming and hoping…even when they’re frustrated and angsty, they’re on the move…and that gives me hope.

Most of the encounters I have with folks are unknown to the rest of you so you might not realize how large the influence of Revolution really is. Imagine for a moment that you are a pastor in a pretty traditional church setting trying to explore and expand views of God’s mission. You feel frustrated and alone and then you read about this little community in Colorado trying to do things differently. Suddenly you don’t feel so alone and you’re bolstered to go on even just for one more day.

I don’t have delusions of grandeur with Revolution….frankly, we don’t really try hard enough for grandeur ;) But don’t be deceived, Revolution makes a difference in people’s lives - not just the ones who show up every week but in the lives of people we touch in tiny ways directly or indirectly on a regular basis just by “living well here”.

Several months ago, a critic of Emergent Village used the phrase “junk drawer” to describe what we’re doing. They were trying to say that we have a bunch of beliefs and different types of people tossed together. It was meant as a derogatory phrase but those of us it was directed to fell in love with the phrase. Revolution has been a home to the twisty ties, widgets, left over screws, broken plastic sporks wrapped in cellophane and packets of soy sauce ever since it’s inception. Those who find a home at Revolution or even just those who are encouraged by our journey are usually the cast-offs, rejects and peoples on the margins of mainstream church culture….and we LOVE IT.

So, cheers to the junk drawer! Rise up all you cellophane wrapped sporks and go forth to live the Kingdom! We love you.

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  1. andrew — February 6, 2009 #

    love that revolution graphic with teh clothes line!!!!

  2. Mak — February 6, 2009 #

    Thanks Andrew

  3. shane magee — February 6, 2009 #

    LOVE being in the junk drawer! it’s where all the real treasure’s found.

  4. david — February 7, 2009 #

    haha! yes. i’m still repping the dd on my blog. it’s great to hear about the reach and compassion that has been shown through Revolution. i hope we can do similar things with our dealie here when it starts to get moving. i would love to talk with you and david about it sometime.

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