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I’ve been doing yoga off and on for a few years but it wasn’t until this year that I decided (and like most things of this nature, I have no idea how/when/why) to focus on it in earnest. I have been practicing yoga morning and night every day for about 20 minutes each time and have recently increased to 30-45 minutes each practice.

There are a few things I have found about yoga that parallel many areas in life

1. you have to ease into it and take it slow
2. it requires patience and calm
3. you have to breathe
4. you have to be fully present in your practice to get the full effects - awareness of mind and body is key
5. it’s challenging and the rewards come slow

It’s not really profound but yoga has definitely been beneficial to me - mostly in the area of struggle that I have with not being perfect at something right away - that just doesn’t happen with yoga and I’ve had to persevere through that and “breathe through” the disappointment and frustration with myself.  I’m thankful for the skills and growth that yoga and Buddhist teachings have brought to my life and find they are very congruent with my Christian faith. For example, deeper self awareness (contrary to what Christianity often warns) has given me a deeper awareness of the Creator.

My favorite tools:
a handful of igoogle yoga widgets

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1 Comment

  1. Carlos — January 31, 2009 #

    Now Mack, you’re eally pushing it and if any conservative evangelical read your blog, you’d get some nasty comments…

    Anyway, being busy learning to be a grandpa…granddaughter born in July and grandson born this January…they took all of my heart now…

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