"one hit wonder - do it now"

Check out these stats: For the Race to the Whitehouse: Barack Obama: $193 600 733 raised, $154 767 643 spent. Hilary Clinton: $169 003 120 raised, $135 828 257 spent. John McCain: $64 654 539 raised, $56 657 944 spent. Yep that’s US millions! If these Presidential Candidates can raise this much surely we can raise 7mill! And all for a good cause! …


2 Responses to “one hit wonder - do it now” | Skip to comment form

  1. Jonathan Brink Says:

    Kind of makes me wonder how the Clintons are going to feel at the end of this week when they realize they spent all that money.

  2. Heather Says:

    I signed up for this a while ago. It’s a fantastic idea, and I know of the people who are organising it. They’re a great bunch, and I know every cent of the money will go where they say it will. I hope lots of people donate - it’s only a dollar after all!

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