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frustrated with the dems

Right now, according to a recent Gallup poll, Clinton leads Obama for the first time since Super Tuesday in a margin  big enough to call it a true lead. McCain and Clinton are almost seemingly working together to come against Obama. And now, McCain is actually ahead of BOTH democratic candidates. *sigh* I’m really frustrated with the way this is turning out.

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  1. Shawn — March 20, 2008 #

    I share this frustration, Mak. I’m getting that sick feeling in my gut all over again. Shades of swiftboating … re: the whole the Rev. Wright situation. I assure you, the Dems are reading the tea leaves on this and they know it (the Rev. Wright situation) won’t be beneficial at all in a national race against the republicans. This is potentially an end game for Obama … and the national polls do show him now behind Hillary.

    This whole situation, unfortunately, is not interpreted well in many, many parts of this country. It’s so sad.

    So yeah, shades of swiftboating … but from one’s own pastor (unintentionally or not).

    But I’m still holding out hope that Obama’s campaign will recover and he will be the one running against the republicans. It’s a shame that this whole situation can’t be interpreted and understood better in many parts of our country.

    … just my thoughts. Thanks for letting me rant.

  2. Mak — March 20, 2008 #

    it bums me out big time but like David said - our country is more ready for a woman than we are for a black man…whether people will admit it in public or not … honestly, most white people in this country can handle an angry woman frustrated about the patriarchy better than an angry black man frustrated about America’s very real and recent past oppression of blacks. Not that I am in any way excusing Wright but I think it’s pissing people off way more than it should.

  3. Shawn — March 20, 2008 #

    Oh yeah. I agree. I think it’s all in how it’s playing in those suburban counties in states like mine (PA). It’s all about the interpretation of the events surrounding Rev. Wright. It’s unarguable, however, that Obama’s campaign took a major, major thud from the Rev. Wright situation. If I were Obama, I’d be wishing it never happened. Sad …

    FWIW, I’ll vote for either Dem. if it boils down to a choice. I just think Obama could really change or re-frame political discourse in this country and internationally. Dang it …

  4. Rob — March 20, 2008 #

    Whether or not he is the candidate, Obama has forever changed the context of the conversation on racism in our country. His words were masterful and will be ranked with JFK’s “Ask not…” speech. I too hope he is the nominee, but will vote democratic whichever way it goes. The election will boil down to “pro-war vs pro-peace,” & I don’t think McCain can finesse that.

    McCain has his own wacky pastor problem too. That’s been lost in the H vs B battle that the media has been playing up. But it will hurt him in Nov. Meanwhile Clinton is safe because she has no visible religion, right?

    Frankly I don’t have a problem w/ pastor Wright — I understand homiletic hyperbole and remember the black liberation theology that developed in the late ’60’s post-MLK. That said, I believe Obama put it all in the right perspective on Tuesday. I can’t remember which TV comedian it was this week who faulted Obama for “daring to speak to Americans as if they were adults.” Let’s appeal to our higher angels as a nation in the days/weeks/months ahead.

    And Mak — stay away from the polls, OK? Watching them is like weighing yourself every day when you start a diet…

  5. Mak — March 20, 2008 #

    absolutely Rob, well said. I don’t have a problem with much of what Wright said either - I’m very familiar with that type of preaching esp. in a black congregation having gone to a predominantly black church for 5 of my most formative teen years. (not to say that as a white woman born in ND that I get it LOL..but you understand what I’m saying)

    good point about the polls.

    I also agree with you Shawn that I think Obama can do much for this country that only he can do and I haven’t lost hope for sure. I think he can still get the nomination…. I’m just annoyed with the whole “controversy”

  6. Duncan McFadzean — March 21, 2008 #

    the upside is that aren’t you going to be in England at election time? If so, then you might actually get to avoid it a bit……….albeit the next 4 years is a bit of a pain.

    I’ve kind of lost hope that any leader of a country will make that much of a difference in the end, the system constrains them too much.

  7. minnnow — March 22, 2008 #

    I blogged some about Obama, Wright, Ferraro myself so I won’t go into all that. And I get that Iraq was the wrong thing to do. Even if there had been weapons of mass destruction a pre-emptive war is not good. BUT now that we’re there don’t we have some responsibility to stablize the situation. McCain did not say (despite the way the media want to color it) that we’d be at war for 100 years. The US has a presence in lots of places that is healthy and good. McCain has praised the ONE campaign, even given representitives time at some of his townhall meetings. He supports green technology and knows we need to get off our dependence of foreign oil. His immigration policies are reasonable. And, he knows the difference between telling people their jobs are coming back and we need to develop new jobs. He’s a whole lot closer to the center then either Clinton or Obama and had proven he’ll work with both sides of the isle. What am I not getting? I undestand the hope vision Obama paints. But his voting record undermines his words. I’m just not sure the same old liberal solutions are really the best option.

  8. Anna — March 22, 2008 #

    Of course you already know that I don’t want to vote for a pro-abortion candidate… but that aside, I really like Obama as a person. I watched that whole speech he gave last week, and it was really good. I don’t agree with his politics, but he is the first person who’s given me hope in awhile that the political system could be something like what it is meant to be. I loved how he spoke so plainly, and I heard that he wrote his own speech.

    Oh, and I love love love his diverse background.

    And I don’t like McCain… *sigh.* In fact, I didn’t really like any of the Republican candidates. It seems like such a lose-lose situation for me.

    I understand your frustration too b/c I think Hillary will alienate a lot of conservatives. But I think Obama has the potential to get a lot of conservative votes. Honestly, if it’s Obama vs. McCain, I think Obama will win. But if it’s Hillary vs. McCain, I really don’t know. So I definitely see where you’re coming from.

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