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Two degrees of separation?…

We shared a room at the Gathering with a really neat and talented illustrator/graphic artist named Paul Soupiset. And really truly, this man is EXTREMELY TALENTED. Make sure you check out his notebooks on his blog. So anyway, we now know Paul, who now has rubbed shoulders with Kevin Bacon at a charity gala - 2 degrees. Four years living in Los Angeles going to the Hollywood Bible Study in Beverly Hills and we didn’t get that close. LOL.

Anyway, check out Paul’s pictures here. I’m a big Closer fan so I’m a little jealous.

But what was really good about his post was this.

People, for their own non-theological reasons, do these charitable things (like bringing more abundant life to kids with cancer) and that, de facto, advances God’s kingdom. Jung is supposed to have said, “Bidden or not, God is present” — the gist of the saying dovetails with what I’m trying to express: many, many things not under the “church” umbrella or even the “Jesus” umbrella count in God’s economy as being kingdom-work. McLaren and others have described the Venn diagram relationship of the Church and the Kindgom as being intersecting, rather than subsets. The church exists for God’s (larger) kingdom-work, not vice-versa, and sometimes in history, the most kingdom work is being done either despite the church, or by its supposed enemies.

It was nice to be reminded last night that (even) Hollywood actors and major league ballplayers can advance charity, kindness, love, goodness and mercy, and that on any given day of the week, though the most meaningful work may be done face to face in small local ways — perhaps among the outcast, poor and marginalized — that there are expressions of charity and patterns of giving and engaging which include the rich and famous as well. eye of the needle just got larger. thoughts?

Love it!

[tags]Kevin Bacon, Jung, Kingdom[/tags]

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  1. sonja — October 30, 2007 #

    That is the coolest … I’m a huge Closer fan too, so I’m with you on being a little jealous.

  2. Jamie Arpin-Ricci — October 30, 2007 #

    2 degrees for me too. My sister-in-law has body doubled/stand in for Kyra Sedgwick, Bacon’s wife and he visited the set. Small world, eh?

    Great link, thanks.


  3. Mak — October 30, 2007 #

    that’s cool jamie :)

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