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the emerging church and Eastern Orthodoxy

I’ve said many times that if I were to “convert” to anything, it would likely be Eastern Orthodoxy. But there are too many factors that would keep me from that.

However, this article is a good one - many thing I love and agree with, several I disagree with so strongly it makes me cringe. But to understand this era, I truly believe we must understand the “draw” of Eastern Orthodoxy to a postmodern seeker and there is so much we can learn and draw from this ancient tradition. Frederica Mathewes-Green is a very prolific writer who I appreciate greatly - - even if I often disagree with her ;)

Tomorrow I’ll touch on some of the points in the article that spoke to me the most.

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  1. Jennifer — July 8, 2007 #


    I was amazed when I read “The Orthodox Way”. They put wonderful words around things I was only beginning to feel.

    I also love their theology of beauty. Have you see this video - showing the richness and depth of beauty they value http://mytrueself.typepad.com/my_true_self/2007/06/beauty-and-wors.html

  2. anita — July 10, 2007 #

    I haven’t read the article yet but yes, I too have felt a bit of a pull and wonder of the EO ways. who knows, every few years I tend to turn over lots of rocks but I always end up back at Lutheran. Sometimes more liberal, sometimes more conservative, but always Lutheran :)

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