Swinging from the Vine / 808 posts / 2,772 comments / feed / comments feed

design conundrum, etc.

I think I like this design better…but I like the other one too. One of these days I’m going to completely revamp it but I think I’ll stick with this one for now.

On another note, here’s a blog lesson I have learned, free of charge. People generally do not like to read long blog posts.

And finally, I am continuing my search for blogs written by those of other belief systems, I’ll post a list when I give everything an adequate test drive.

For your viewing pleasure:


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  1. Erin — June 6, 2007 #

    Looking forward to comparing notes with you on our “search”.

    Pray tell, what is that orange thing in the center of the picture?

    Anyhow, what a beautiful girl! Some days I want to try again for a daughter for dresses and ribbons, but then the old bones groan “Noooo”!

  2. Mak — June 6, 2007 #

    you must be a city girl ;)

    that’s my daughter Aliyah and she is standing next to a roping dummy - for people to practice roping critters

    we were visiting my baby brother’s horse but we hadn’t planned on doing it so the girls were in the dresses they wore for easter. I liked the contrast of images.

  3. sonja — June 6, 2007 #

    Just to further refine your lesson … what’s “long”? How long is too long … or is that in the eye of the beholder? I’m just curious, because I think that my posts are too long sometimes.

  4. Mak — June 6, 2007 #

    I don’t really know how long is too long. I just know that when I write long posts (comparatively) they don’t get as much attention as posts that are substantive but shorter. And I know personally, I don’t read posts that make me go “whoa, that’s long” hehe

  5. Erin — June 6, 2007 #

    I am a city girl :-p so sue me.

    I will sometimes read loooong posts depending on how much I like the author and the content. But I should check my comments and do some scientific study on that…

    Looong 3-part comments are sometimes a problem, lol.

  6. Paul — June 8, 2007 #

    long posts you say - does anyone still write those??? ;)

  7. Mak — June 8, 2007 #

    Erin - so am I, but I grew up in small farm towns so I have the history.

    Paul - you don’t write long posts, you write ebooks ;)

    I was just looking at my analytics, that was the impetus for my comment.

  8. Erin — June 8, 2007 #

    Hm. In the last 6 months, my posts that had over 10 comments averaged 1300 words. The greatest number of posts that had over 10 comments were between 500-1000 words. I can never pass up an analytical question…

    And I agree, Paul does write e-books :-)

  9. Mak — June 8, 2007 #

    I often get lots of conversation on long posts - but not from the most number of people and I get more hits on shorter posts.

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