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missional manifesto

This is something that I wrote for our original Revolution site. I don’t want to lose it in blog shuffles


By God’s grace and power, we will do justice, love mercy/kindness and walk humbly with God. Micah 6:8
1 Pe:11-12 (the Message paraphrase) Friends, this world is not your home, so don’t make yourselves cozy in it. Don’t indulge your ego at the expense of your soul. Live an exemplary life among the natives so that your actions will refute their prejudices. Then they’ll be won over to God’s side and be there to join in the celebration when he arrives.

Summary: We exist for the Glory of God. All creation is to demonstrate the greatness and goodness of God, to worship him, glorify him and enjoy him forever. By together (fellowship) growing in godly character (discipleship), we are better able to live out God’s love to others (outreach).

Regardless of denominational affiliation, specific theological leanings, etc. this is what we believe missional, Jesus followers are charged to do.

1. Build vibrant faith communities and community networks for support and growth/maturity for the purpose of advancing God’s Kingdom on Earth.

2. Equip the saints in love and power to transform lives, reconciling people to God and relationship with others.

3. Be externally focused. Invest time, talents, energies and resources primarily (or at least in equal proportion) outside the walls of the church - serving, loving and impacting neighborhoods for the better as expressions of God’s love and care for his creation.

4. Be contextual and culturally aware in order to be incarnations of Jesus on earth, coming alongside people on a journey closer to Jesus, making disciples in a relational way by BEING the Gospel, acknowledging the presence of our God in the other.

5. Be organic rather than formulaic, with faith communities rising up naturally out of relationships in a particular cultural context forming a natural and holistic base and foundation for everything.

6. Through prayer and observation, acquire a picture of what God is doing on the earth; locally, regionally and internationally and then joining with others to co-labor with God in that mission.

7. Connect with other faith communities, working together to maximize resources. Humbly accept and respect the differences, roles and calls of each individual faith community allowing each to maintain their unique identity.

8. Take up causes of social justice, caring for the poor the widow and the orphan, racial and ethnic/cultural reconciliation and environmental healing and restoration, caring for the whole of God’s creation, giving God the Glory and revealing his love and action in those areas on the earth today.

….We strive to regularly eat with others listen, learn from and adore God and others

[tags]missional, emerging, emergent, manifesto[/tags]

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