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through the looking glass: Moot

Sometimes I read something and I agree so strongly I start talking aloud to the monitor - this is one of those times.

If our unity lies in agreeing upon common theological principles then we can forget ever getting much done, we will be left forever arguing over what those principles are - and making sure all who disagree are quickly removed and fogotten. And gone will be that great impetus of living out that which we each have experienced

I think this is one thing that frustrates me the most about churches I experience “now a days”. So much time is spent over what the constitution is going to say and where do we “officially” stand on this issue or that issue that very precious little actually gets done. And people are so worried about what to say or do, or what not to say or do, or whether or not others agree with their theological positions and whether or not they should spend time with those who disagree and trying to change everyone into homogonous replications of the other…that they forget about the business of building community/communitas and growing in love of one another.

My dream for moot is that it would be a warm place of welcome and hospitality, where evos, charismatics, liberals et al could feel at home - not because they believe the right thing but because at moot they encounter something of the grace we have each encountered in Christ - a grace that is not dependent on us (thank God) but relies on the endless love of God towards both Godself and the whole of creation.

Then as we come together and listen to the story of one who entered the world in order to serve it, and as we share our stories, the hurts and the pain as well as the joy and the happiness, and as we remember also the stories of old, of St Paul, Isaiah, Jeremiah and all the Saints, then… then… Christ emerges in our midst - not as one of us, in our exact likeness, but as a stranger and yet also as one familiar and known.

I share this dream so strongly it burns in my bones.

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