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sometimes life is just chaotic

Yes it’s true, sometimes you find a big ball of chaos blocking your way on the path of life and the only thing to do is go through it.


Right now we are more seriously considering moving somewhere less expensive since it doesn’t look like David’s company is going to make any substantial changes anytime soon - we need to live as if the changes aren’t coming. So we’re hoping to find a townhouse or garden level apartment somewhere close to church and CSU campus that has a play area for the girls on site or at least close. I will miss our yard, I’ll miss all our space but we really don’t need all the space we have anyway and the extra money in the budget every month will make all the difference. And come December, our car will be paid off.


We had to make a somewhat difficult decision recently. Orville and Wilbur had been making a lot of ruckus at night and then peeing all over the house. We learned that male littermates will often fight eachother for territory - basically by having “marking wars”. The best solution for that is to get rid of one. One night, they both escaped by ripping off a window screen and Wilbur was the only one who came back. For 2 weeks Orville was gone and then he suddenly reappeared…skinny, tattered and very needy. Needless to say, Wilbur and Vixen would have none of that. So we had to take Orville to the Humaine Society. It was kind of sad but Wilbur is so much better behaved now and I don’t have to clean up cat pee every day anymore. Orville is a young, gorgeous, loving cat and will be adopted quickly I’m sure…but it’s still kind of hard.


Aliyah will be 1 in 2 days. Unbelievable! Shayel had a big shindig for her first birthday. Aliyah will get a happy birthday song from Shayel. hehe…We will get together with David’s mom and Grandma when they get back from Texas and I’m sure we’ll get together with my parents sometime but after doing Shayel’s party way back when, I decided throwing birthday parties is not “my thing”.

Aliyah is an absolute riot. She loves looking at books and magazines, loves putting things on her head and around her neck, is enjoying walking and climbing EVERYWHERE and is constantly getting into trouble. She exhausts us all but she’s very fun…and of course ADORABLE.


My brother and his wife decided to buy a house in San Diego instead of moving here. Our family is in mourning but we wish them the best. The really sad thing is that, barring a miracle of finances, we won’t be seeing them much, which is a bummer since she’s pregnant. My brother is done with the Navy and last I heard is starting a pool business…but it seems like news about them changes on a biweekly basis so who really knows.

Check out new pictures at www.fishbowl.photosite.com

Have a great week!

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