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the faces in her head

Shayel has characters in her head on a regular basis, living out an entire existance in her imagination and when she puts pen to paper to reveal them to everyone else or tells the stories of these characters’ lives, it’s daunting.

Here is an example. Every face on this page has an accompanying story and I won’t even try to repeat what Shayel told me but I did want to point out the 2 characters on the bottom left - they are Grandma and Great Grandma. In Shayel’s words “Great Grandma is the one with curly hair, Grandma has long hair”. And it’s true, David’s grandmother - the only Great Grandma in Shayel’s life, does indeed have short curly hair and his mother, whom we call Grandma (my mom is nanna), usually has shoulder length straight hair (lately it’s been shorter but always straight).

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