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My prayers for Shay’el

* develop a humble, obedient, teachable and sweet spirit
* resist rebellion, stubbornness and pride
* protection from all forms of injury and illness
* protection from people who would harm or molest her in any way
* peace and sleep according to Psalm 4:8
* her eternal future and relationship with God
* self image and taking a stand against sexual impurity
* freedom from fear
* discernment
* development of mind and body strength - intelligence and health/strength in her body
* identification and development of spiritual and natural gifts and talents
* wisdom and direction as parents in the areas of discipline, guiding her on the path God has for her, school, etc.

For David

* strength of identity
* job - success, influence, favor
* home - fatherhood, marriage
* personal life - friends, self image
* dreams - ministry, pilot’s licence, use of gifts and talents
* spiritual - relationship with God, discipline, ability to hear clearly God’s voice
* heath of mind, body, emotions, long life

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